The Seattle Globalist took home four awards last Saturday at the Society of Professional Journalists Northwest’s award ceremony honoring work published in 2013 in Washington, California, Oregon, Alaska and Idaho.
First Place, Online Special Report
Abby Higgins‘ three-part series “Slum Rising” took first in the online special report category. Her stories, also published in print by The Seattle Times, explore the economically complex and culturally rich life in the world’s urban slums.
Second Place, Online Special Report
Branden Eastwood claimed second place in the same category for his in-depth project “Stitched.” With this report, Branden had one goal: to track down the person who made one UW Huskies sweatshirt, in hopes of narrowing the gap bewtween U.S. consumers and the lives of garment workers.
Third Place, Social Issues Reporting, Large Daily Newspapers & Third Place, Online Commentary
Seattle Globalist columnist and co-founder Sarah Stuteville placed third in both the Social Issues Reporting (large daily newspapers) and Online Commentary categories. Her weekly column, which runs in The Seattle Times, on, and on, spans topics from “Former SPD chief sees global solutions for police problems” to “Simple feminine-hygiene kit empowers girls” to “Secret Seattle restaurant serves up Chilean specialties.”
Read all of Sarah’s columns here.
Third Place, Best Web Design
We recently unveiled a brand-new new website design for The Seattle Globalist, a customized WordPress theme designed by editor & youth program coordinator Sara McCaslin.
The new design is mobile-friendly and helps showcase more of our writers’ great work.
Winner, Audio Documentary, Region 1: 2014 Edward R. Murrow Awards
Jessica Partnow and Sarah Stuteville‘s hour-long radio documentary, Generation Putin, won the Region 1 Edward R. Murrow Award for Audio Documentary.
Generation Putin explores young people and political change in the former Soviet Union, from a dark re-union with a childhood pen pal in Central Ukraine, to ant-Putin protests in Moscow, to a super secret gay bar in the capital of Kazakhstan.
The show is currently being considered for a national Edward R. Murrow Award.