What would you ask the future leaders of the city of Seattle?
Seattle mayoral candidates Jenny Durkan and Cary Moon were the top two finishers in this year’s Seattle mayoral primary. Before the primary, we asked Durkan, Moon and the other candidates their views on topics of importance to Seattle Globalist readers.
For November’s general election we are inviting our readers to submit their own questions to the candidates for Seattle mayor and the city council.
We also plan to send questions to the candidates running for Seattle City Council. Jon Grant and Teresa Mosqueda will face off for council position 8, the citywide seat being vacated by Tim Burgess. For council position 9, incumbent Councilmember M. Lorena Gonzalez will be challenged by Pat Murakami.
You can be part of this process. We are accepting suggestions for questions that would be of interest to Seattle Globalist readers. We plan to select up to seven questions.
To submit your question, please fill out the form below, or send your questions via email to editor@seattleglobalist.com.