Anti-Black Lives Matter letter investigated as hate crime


The recipient of the threatening letter posted a picture of it on social media, and the West Seattle Blog posted a redacted version on its website. The note uses foul racial language to criticize the resident, who is white, for being in a multiracial relationship and having biracial children. The note also directly threatens her children and praises Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

In her social media post, the victim said: “This hate has got to stop. The coward who left this couldn’t even do it while we were home. Truly makes me uncomfortable to know people like this are in my neighborhood/community.”

Original post:

A threatening and racist letter that referenced Black Lives Matter activism is being investigated as a hate crime, according to the Seattle Police Department.

The homeowner found the letter, which was directed at her, on her front door in West Seattle and reported it to police on Tuesday, according to the Seattle Police Department.

The case is being investigated as malicious harassment, which is Washington’s hate crime statute.

This post will be updated with additional information.