The FBI is looking into reported threats against Seattle-area mosques, after an alleged post on Facebook this week saying that the poster knows the addresses of local mosques and where to “strike back.”
A screenshot of the post on the Last Patriots of America community Facebook page has been circulating online, according to The Stranger, which also has the screenshot.
However, the post no longer appears on the page, and the poster says there was no threat made.
“A lot of people have claimed that I have made threat to ‘shoot up’ local mosques. I have Not. No such action has ever been mentioned on this page. Again you people lie to suit your own agendas. However I do know who HAS made threats to American cities. … Muslims. and its on video for all to see!” says the Facebook page.
Q13 and the Seattle Times report that the FBI issued a statement saying the agency was aware of the comments posted on social media and was working with community and law enforcement to “maintain a routine but vigilant security posture.”
Additional coverage
The Stranger: Seattle FBI Bureau Investigating “Threatening Language” Directed at Local Mosques
Seattle Times: FBI looks into possible threat against Seattle-area mosques
Q13: FBI looking into report of threat against Seattle-area mosques