Ever wondered how your perspective and voice can contribute to a sparkling story for The Seattle Globalist?

Learn from Reagan Jackson, an award-winning journalist, Globalist columnist, poet, children’s book author and writing instructor. On Thursday, Nov. 19, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., join Jackson and Globalist Editor Christina Twu at the Fremont neighborhood Dumpling Tzar for an evening of sowing story seeds and learning to nurture them to fruition for The Globalist.
“As journalism has evolved, there is now more space for you to write in a way that honors who you are and draws grounding from your perspective,” says Jackson. “This workshop is about connecting to your authentic voice to capture the stories that you are uniquely qualified to tell: the stories of your community from your point of reference.”
The night will be complete with Russian dumplings, guided writing exercises, professional pitching tips and discussion. Sign up now! >>