The Scenario is a global current events game, co-hosted by Crosscut Public Media, the World Affairs Council, Impact Hub Seattle, and the Seattle Globalist, in which issues and situations from around the world are applied as if they’re occurring right here in the Northwest.
Join us Thursday September 18th, when we’ll tackle the challenge of climate refugees in the Pacific Northwest.
Darlene Dowd and Midge Mayberry bring you this WOMG news report from the not-too-distant future:
Refugees are flooding the Pacific Northwest from water-starved cities around the country. Rents are skyrocketing, the weather is heating up and water pirates are raiding Seattle reservoirs to sell our precious ‘blue gold’ to the highest bidder.
How will our fair city get out of this mess?
Join Crosscut, The World Affairs Council, Impact Hub and the Seattle Globalist for The Scenario: Climate Refugees. An in-person strategy game … with drinks. Thursday, Sep 18 at the Bullitt Center, 6-8:30 p.m.