No one chooses to become homeless. No one plans on living on the street. Each one of them has their own story, some made bad decisions and others were victims of domestic, economic, or social disruption; including, poverty, breakdown of families, political unrest, and sexual, physical or emotional abuse.
Justin is 24years old, lives on the streets near University of Washington area. He dreams to open a board shop someday.
Franco is 23 years old. To him homelessness is fun, he dreams to remain this happy forever.
Every year a large number of youth all over the Unites States are losing access to safe housing and are pushed towards becoming homeless. What is most striking however, is the contrast between the age groups of homeless people here in the US, when compared with Bangladesh. While most of the homeless population in Bangladesh is comprised of senior citizens or middle-aged people, the scenario differs quite a lot in the United States.
Mark is 28 years old. He dreams to keep playing music for people.
(John 3:16) For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.Maxil is 23 years old. He is yet to figure out his dreams……Jonathan is 23 years old. He dreams to have a simple life with one love.
Leaving home often gives these young people an initial feeling of independence, and escape from a difficult or dangerous home situation. However, a life on the streets, without the reliability of a roof over their heads at the end
Jo is 24 years old. She dreams to own any piece of land some day.Love the life you live. Live the life you love.
of the day, puts them under multiple threats. I had the opportunity to interact with a number of homeless youth in the past and was moved by how one of them described their situation.
Martin is 22years old. His dream is to go away from the US and move to Brazil.
Johny Smith is 30 years old. His dream is to get off the street, get a job and enjoy his life.
He said, “Homelessness is a level of life”. He was not defeated by his situation but he was ready to fight back to improve his situation. Just like him many homeless youth were driven to homelessness by various problems but none of them deserve what they have been left with. Most of them have concerns over their situation, but they often don’t know how to resolve it. They need to be empowered, acknowledged and motivated to keep this fire burning and ease the transition off the streets.
Great Photo Stories Ranak. I liked the way clicked pictures and spend time to get their stories.
Amazing work
Amazing work
“A picture is worth a thousand words,” is true of your photos. They are amazing and tell the story of people that are invisible in our society but have their own hopes and dreams.
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Great Photo Stories Ranak. I liked the way clicked pictures and spend time to get their stories.
Amazing work
Amazing work
“A picture is worth a thousand words,” is true of your photos. They are amazing and tell the story of people that are invisible in our society but have their own hopes and dreams.
Great Photo Stories Ranak. I liked the way clicked pictures and spend time to get their stories.
Amazing work
Amazing work
“A picture is worth a thousand words,” is true of your photos. They are amazing and tell the story of people that are invisible in our society but have their own hopes and dreams.