Over the past few years, I’ve had the good fortune of documenting and being to able to do some deep hanging out with the Seattle Fandango Project.
The Seattle Fandango Project is dedicated to community building through participatory music and dance. SFP takes as its original model the fandango celebration of Veracruz, Mexico, in which music, singing, and dancing are used to generate a spirit of convivencia — living/being together — building communication and trust.
After much insistence from members of SFP to put down the camera and pick up the jarana, this year, I did. And I am here to attest that if I can learn to play and participate then the field is open to anyone!
I couldn’t refrain from picking up the camera when Los Cojolites made their first trip to Seattle. This inspiring group from Jaltipan, Veracruz, Mexico conducted a series of workshops and performed at the historic Washington Hall. A night of convivencia with the Seattle Fandango Project followed.
Here’s the video:
Congrats! to Los Los Cojolites for their Grammy Award nomination for their album “Sembrando Flores”