They already did it this year in Egypt. And they did it in Burma, and in Mexico. Now it’s our turn.
Yep, it’s finally election day (ewww, what did you think I was talking about?).
If you didn’t vote yet…well, who am I kidding? Of course you did.
If not you’re probably in a suburban basement playing Call of Duty, or living in a survivalist structure made entirely of tarps deep in the Olympic National Forest. In either case, you’re not reading this post.
So for everyone who did vote, congratulations! We have a chance to make a global impact today, as the first US state to approve same-sex marriage by a popular vote, and by taking a bold step to legalize marijuana for recreational use (fun!). If these measures pass, it’s going to be huge. If they don’t, well, that will also be a thing that happened.
There’s also an important charter schools initiative on the ballot.
And of course we’re electing a president. The President of the United States, to be exact, but they do sometimes act like they’re The President of the Entire Planet (for better or worse).
And that’s why everyone in the world is watching what we do today. Seven billion people around the world, looking at one guy in Ohio and thinking, “don’t blow it, buddy”
Which is what you’re probably thinking as well. If you don’t want to stay home biting your nails and watching Wolf Blitzer shout at a hologram, there are some great spots around town to watch the returns:
The Stranger is having an election night party at the Showbox.
The Washington Bus is rumored to be unofficially sponsoring an election night party at Neumo’s.
I’ll be at Grill on Broadway with a few fellow Globalists and a pack Ref 74 supporters.
OutWest in West Seattle also has a Ref 74 party going on.
And if you wanna get all party affiliated with it, Democrats are partying at the Westin Downtown, Republicans are at the Bellevue Hyatt (where else?) and the Freedom Socialists will be at New Freeway Hall on Rainier cheering on Kshama Sawant.
Have fun!