Photo by Linda Mujuru, GPJ Zimbabwe
Takudzwa Marara, 27, was one of many Zimbabweans prepared to demonstrate in Africa Unity Square in Harare, Zimbabwe’s capital, earlier this month until President Robert Mugabe left office, either by choice or impeachment.
He and many others in Zimbabwe got their wish. Crowds of Zimbabweans spilled out into the streets to celebrate as news of president Robert Mugabe’s resignation spread Nov. 21.
Mugabe was placed under house arrest by Zimbabwe’s military after its Nov. 14 takeover, and was fired by his own ZANU-PF political party on Nov. 19.
Interim president Emmerson Mnangagwa promised to hold “free and fair elections” in his inauguration address on Nov. 24, but local activists have expressed concern over the former vice president’s history of human rights abuses.
This photo was originally published on Global Press Journal. Additional reporting by Sarah Corn, The Seattle Globalist